Lost Corner (nature reserve), Netherlands.
July 5 2014.
Lost Corner, 7 5 2014. © Yvonne.
At day three of its existence, I enter the formation that suffered heavy wind and rainfall.
Considering the somewhat messy (nature released) field and weather conditions, I would say
it was in reasonable shape. I was there with my soul sister Rose, who at that moment I
hadn't seen for four years. She had taken a friend named Gabriëlle with her. It was the
mixture of being in contact with both these gentle women and the extra-ordinary crop circle
energies that I soon lost concentration on inspecting and taking pictures.
The energy in the formation I found overwhelming. Although Robbert van den Broeke had
mentioned about a heavy energy but with healing quality, I didn't experience it as heavy at
all, but it certainly was more intense than usual. I felt a lot of joy and disorientation
came over me.
Rose, who I consider far more sensitive than me, soon connected with the formation. She
spoke about inner and outer realities. She compared the formation with some kind of
gramophone disk. Its main surface as the outer reality that spins very fast, meanwhile
distracting people or ourselves from our inner world or our most inner motivations.
The lay in the outer ring that radiates away from the centre refers to that.
There is also the possibility of going inside of our self. The path of self discovery,
so to speak. At times this can be a difficult or frightening process. In the resistance
to self confrontation things can become heavy or scary. Maybe that's the "heavy" Robbert
talked about? At the large disk there's the ring of lay that points towards the very centre.
That's about the "force" that attracts us to our very centre. The self centeredness. It can
be experienced as a hole to fall in, like losing control. However, the space is quiet and
peaceful. This, in contrast with the outside world, where society seems to have run out of
hand in so many ways.
Rose while connecting with the formation.
At the same day we were in the formation, Robbert van den Broeke published extra information
about the crop circle. (Read at www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl) He also referred to a Dutch
carnival song that would be relevant. I would only come to know about this reference the
day after, but whilst being in the formation, the situation happened in which Rose started
acting jokingly in such way that I requested her to please not play things in a carnival
type mode...(!)
So, at this stage the aspect of ridicule steps in. The carnival song in question is that of
the "Deurzakkers", to be translated as "drinkers after closing time". They are sacking trough,
so "trough sackers". The song itself is titled: "We gaan er tegen aan." This means "We go
against it", but also in the sense of "going for it", "putting shoulders under something". These
are of course very suggestive idea's that shine a light on the crop circle phenomenon as it often
gets treated, as well as on the theme of carnival and its original meaning; the celebration of
the flesh we all live in.
Together with the very wide cosmic character of the formation, it seems to present the human
condition as foolish and relative. Nevertheless, the pleasure of the carne celebration seemed
apparent and might as well tell us that it has a healing quality that should not be underestimated.
The night following on my crop circle energy charge, I received a load of information in lively
dreams. The uppermost of it had clear references to grounding and sexuality. In addition to what
Robbert got trough about "rebuilding", I saw a huge traffic junction in the making. A lot of
ground was opened up and replaced in order to get it all good.
It seems to me that on a profound (metaphysical) level a reorganisation was taking place,
concerning relational interactions. This, as distinct from Robberts message speaking about an
inner reorganisation, I interpret as about traffic and exchanges between people on the intimate
level and all that results from that. It occurs to me a big evolutionary theme in fact, whereby it
becomes clear that inter-relational changes must find their foundations in the inner world of each
independent candidate. There needs to be a readiness or a will to change in the inner state of
Light reaching the bottom of our existance...
So, only by the virtue of inner reorganisation a real outer reorganisation can take place.
Does the energy of the formation help in these processes that are often associated with foolish and
therefore vulnerable behaviour? After what I experienced, I am pretty much convinced about that.
Summing-up, I would say this formation tells about the bottom, the foundation of our existence. It
occurs to me being influential on the level of relations and intimacy by means of inner change. As
if it represents a powerful healing quality when it comes to trauma's connected to this theme. Way
to many people carry such trauma's with them, meanwhile, because of that, the better things in life
remain overshadowed. The opportunity is there to change, to overcome.
Gabriëlle enjoying her very first cropcircle visit.
Did we reach the carnaval state???